Pest Control In Patterson, CA

Pest Control Patterson CA

Your Local Pest Company

You Can Rely On Us!

Pest Control Patterson CA Background

Patterson's Trusted Exterminator

Pest Control Services That Work!

Pest Control Patterson CA

Exterminator Services For Your Home

Ant Control | Cockroach Control | Rodent Control | Termite Inspections

Patterson has a huge problem with cockroaches, ants, spiders, and other crawling insects! Reliable Termite Solutions can control any annoying pests from your property. We'll make sure your home is pest free!

  • We Are The Pest Control Company That Is Here To Stay
  • Friendly Pest Experts
  • We Understand The Local Pests
  • Our Team Delivers Results!

Protect Your Home From Pests!

Our Pest Control Customers Love Us!

Don't let The Pests Ruin Your Day.

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Patterson Pest Control Solutions

The Most Common Pests

Cockroach Control

Cockroach Pest Control Patterson CA

Ensure a pest-free environment in with our reliable cockroach control services. Eliminating cockroaches is crucial for maintaining hygiene, preventing the spread of diseases, and creating a comfortable living space for you and your family.

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Pest Control Patterson CA

Protect your home from bed bug infestations with our effective bed bug control services. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a peaceful, bed bug-free environment.

Ant Control

Ant Pest Control Patterson CA

Keep your home free from ant invasions with our proven ant control services. Say goodbye to the nuisance of marching trails and hello to a pest-free living space.

Termite Inspecitions

Termite Inspections Patterson CA

Safeguard your property with our thorough termite inspections. Detect and address termite activity early to protect your investment and maintain a termite-free environment for years to come.

Protect Your Home From Pests!

We offer a

Critter Gitters Pest Control

Schedule your no-risk extermination services

We Take Care Of Our Neighbors

Reliable Pest Control Solutions

Pest Control That Actually Works!

We offer pest control in Patterson, CA to ensure that you get the best results. This is accomplished by performing a thorough inspection, developing a treatment plan, and then applying the pesticide to get rid of the target insects inside or around your property.

Pest Inspections

Pest Control Inspections Patterson

Our pest specialists are highly trained experts who provide the finest service for your home's pest management needs. With our expert professional on the lookout for ideal circumstances where pests may dwell, we'll thoroughly check your property and recommend the best treatment to get rid of, prevent, or repel any invader from ruining your day.

Pest Prevention

Pest Control Services Patterson CA

Our regular pest services will include continual monitoring for pest activity and targeted treatments for pests that are discovered. We apply a protective treatment around your home to prevent pests from entering. Our team of experts have all the tools needed to make sure your home is your sanctuary. This pest control company keeps your pets and family safe.

Smart Tactics

Pest Control Baiting Patterson CA

We employ our knowledge of pest biology to solve pest problems. Pests require food, therefore our Pest Control Experts are prepared with a variety of baits that no pest could resist. This treatment technique is crucial for removing common pests like ants and cockroaches. The use of baits in our service provide better control.

Have Our Extermination Team Help

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most common questions we get about our services.

Why are the pests so bad?

As you may have noticed, Patterson has its own weather patterns. Have you seen those days when it will be cloudy or raining in everywhere expect our city? Or the opposite, where it will be cloudy and raining only in Patterson. Patterson is contained in its own little vortex, which explains why it gets so hot over here. With the combination of heat and moisture from us watering our lawns, as well as watering from the heavy agriculture around our town, a perfect environment has been created that is very attractive for the pests.

What are the top pests we deal with?

If you are new to the area you can ask anyone who has been here for any amount of time that the ants, cockroaches and spiders are the main pests that we battle over here. It is not a matter of if you have these pests, its the question or how many of each do I have at my home. However, our pest services are very effective at controlling all these pest issues.

Are bed bugs real, and do we have them in Patterson?

Yes! we have helped multiple people in Patterson handle their bed bugs. Usually there is a lot of un-necessary embarrassment a person who deals with a bed bug infestation deals with and will not speak up about it with their friends and family. We encourage our neighbors who have dealt with bed bugs to speak up about it with their family and friends, especially since they are amazing travelers and spread easily.

Do you also do serve Newman & Gustine?

Yes, we serve the entire westside! If you have family and friends, a rental home or business in these other areas we would love to help them handle their pest issues as well!

What is the cost of Your Pest Services?

The cost of our services can vary greatly depending on the type of pest, the extent of the infestation, and the treatment needed. Generally speaking, basic pest treatment can range anywhere from $250 to $500 to handle infestations of ant, spiders, cockroaches, earwigs and rodents. However, If you sign up for a regular pest  service, the cost to handle all of your general pest problems can be as low as $50/mo.

There more intensive treatments such as those needed for a major infestation of termites or bed bugs that can cost upwards of $1,000 or more for smaller infestations, however, if a pest issue involving theses pests is allowed to get of hand, the amount of work needed to control would rise, along with the costs.

Can You Actually Get Rid Of An Ant Infestation?

Of course we can! We know you have already tried every over the counter product under the son, and they keep coming back. However, we have products that not only kill the ants that come across the product, but they kill is actually delayed long enough for the ants to take the product back to the nest and share. These products allow us to exterminate an entire colony.

How often should my pest services be?

For optimal results, we recommend our every other month service. While we experimented with a quarterly (once every 3 months) option, we found that 11% of clients requested additional visits between services. By choosing our more frequent every-other-month service, you can make sure that the pests are taken care.

Do we have termites in Patterson?

Yes! Also keep in mind that our termite inspections not only handle termites, but they will find other things that will destroy your home like fungus or dry rot. We recommend a termite inspection in every 2-5 years.

Can I control the pests on my own?

You can attempt to control the pests on your own, however, unless you take the time to learn how to control each pest, your success will be limited. Over-the-counte products can work well for spiders and the exterior cockroaches, and if you can find the ant nests on the property you can get great control, however, to treat for all these pests you will still spend around $40 in products on your own, which is almost half the cost of our regular services. If you have more time than money, go for it! And if does not work our, you can give us a call.

What makes your pest company so special?

Our team of pest experts is what we think makes us so special, we hire people based off of integrity and personality. We want to make sure that the person we send to your home to perform your pest services has your best interests in mind. We also believe in hiring pest control techs who actually like and enjoy being around people.

Why should I hire a pest professional?

Reliable Termite Solutions will also use products in a manner that is appropriate for use around your people and pets, by following safety protocols to ensure that the treatments are applied according to the label. This helps to ensure that you, your family, and your pets are not exposed to any potential health risks.

Do You Handle Mice Infestations?

Yes we do! Mice are one of the main issues we deal with. If you suspect that you might be dealing with mice we would be happy to perform a detailed rodent inspection on your home. When we inspect your home we will find all of the entry points were the mice are getting into your home and give you a quote not only for the rodent extermination, but also the exclusion work that must be done to ensure the mice do not return!

Have Any More Questions? 

Rodent Control

Rats - Mice - Voles

Rodents Can Be Tricky

We understand rats and mice. Both of which are a huge part of the rodent control services that we offer. Rodents can cause some of the biggest headaches. These nasty critters are responsible for damaging many properties in Patterson. Both of these creatures require different methods of control.

Mice Are Curious, Rats Are Shy...

Just simply understanding these aspects of rodent behavior goes a long way. Knowing this about rats and mice behavior and biology informs our approach when controlling these rodents. For example, when trapping rats, if you set a trap incorrectly and the rodent survives the attempt on its life, the rat will be very cautious of traps and will avoid any of your future attempts with those traps.

Don't Risk It, Call Reliable Termite Solutions

You really only have a few shots at trapping a rodent or else you need to move to more advanced measures. Let us help you do it right the first time and solve your rodent issues quickly. ​

Rodent Control Patterson CA

Call to Schedule Your Pest Inspection!

Looking For Pest Control Near Me?

We're happy you've discovered our company. We perform exterminator services, throughout the Central Valley. We pride ourselves on being the premier pest company that your neighbors love! Have any questions? Check out our frequently asked questions page to get answers.